Philosophy of X
i'm a US veteran.
Every now and then i get people thanking me for my service in 1986.
i never got shot, but got my ass whooped in Spades many times.
In 1989,
i did go to Prince William Sound to assist the Coast Guard
and Exxon clean up the Valdez oil spill.
i'm not a veteran that served in time of war.
i wonder,
The police department, especially in particular neighborhoods,
deal with a war-like environment right here in America, daily.
people leave their spouse and children in the night,
and go and risk their whole life as a police officer,
to protect and serve each of us in the community.
I've never heard anybody say to a police officer,
"Thank you for your service".
i'm starting now.
Men are not women.
An instrument's tuning
is the baseline for the musician.
The higher your perch,
the harder your potential fall.
Make sure your perch
is built with a foundation of truth.
With the election of Trump and his amazing team,
i haven't felt this much optimism since
i voted for Obama in 2008.
With Obama there is disappointment.
Let's hope this new leadership
can make some real change.
To recognize that God has you here for a reason
is a rare and remarkable self realization.
Those that see it, should live it.
Live like the environment you want to live in.
The beauty of what is a woman
and the strength of what is a man,
is being lost in the American culture.
Be better than people.
At what point do we start calling out "black" people
when they do or say racist things?
When a "black" person succeeds in a predominantly "white" profession,
it's usually celebrated.
Caitlin Clark succeeds in a predominantly "black" profession,
and there is hate?
i just saw Janet Jackson in concert.
If i had a tip for rock stars it would be,
i'd rather hear 8 complete great songs,
than 39 pieces of 39 great songs.
A song has a beginning and an end.
A piece of a song doesn't.
In the news,
"Controversy arises after transgender East Valley student wins
The current men's world record in 100 Metres is 9.58 seconds,
set by Jamaica's Usain Bolt in 2009,
while the women's world record is 10.49 seconds
set by American Florence Griffith-Joyner in 1988.
If we combine men and women,
Florence Griffith-Joyner doesn't rank #1,
she's 7460th.
the #2 woman would rank, 9336th
Another interesting difference between men and women,
if you look at a recent 100m men's competition,
all the men beat Florence's record.
So in other words,
Florence's record in women is the best,
in men it's not good enough to make the finals.
Men and women are biologically different,
that's a fact not affected by opinion or belief.
Slowly but surely men will have all the records in these womens sports.
Eventually, 2nd,3rd,4th,etc place,
will be men standing on the women's championship podium.
It's sad to watch the destruction of women's sports.
If we don't keep men out of women's sports,
there will be no women's sports.
More accurately,
they'll be fewer and fewer women in women's sports.
Is this progress or regression?
The longer we suppress truth,
the longer it will take to fix our circumstances.
Life is too sophisticated to be by chance.
In the news,
"The White House has confirmed Thursday
Why is this news?
Wikipedia put up a page discussing
the Russian anti-satellite system in 2008,
16 years ago.
In the Wikipedia page,
President Carter responded to
the Russian anti-satellite system in 1978,
46 years ago.
" Kirby said the U.S. has been aware of Russia's pursuitHmmm,
i don't trust the United States government,
it's intelligence and especially whatever its "interests" are.
AI chat responds to you.
It's limited to your intellect.
Our personal information in our daily lives
is being collected, analyzed, cataloged and sold.
Oftentimes, legally.
Privacy is a thing of previous generations.
Express what you can, while you can.
Life doesn't go the way you dream it,
it goes and you make the best of it.